Sunday, January 6, 2013


So along time ago, when we originally purchased this armoire for $30 we had all intentions of one day refurbishing it for a better more classy look. Unfortunately, it suited our purposed all too comfortably, and with all the other outstanding projects it was eventually put on the back-burner. 

That day, however has arrived! One bored weekend afternoon, Greg decides he wants to start on this project. So the above eventually looks like the below in all its destructive glory. 

 Using original pieces of wood, Greg begins creating a retro fitted built in corner cabinet to hold the mini fridge. My crafty husband was even able to reuse the original trim! This corner section, according to my husband was the most difficult part. It is all angles and his anal-attentiveness will not settle for anything less then perfection.


Using the door frame moldings and door hinges from the original armoire, Greg made a nice little door to hide the fridge.

He was right, though, once that corner piece was done everything else when up pretty fast. We added wine and wine glass holders to complete the mini bar. 

We did actually have to purchase a large piece of heavy duty 3/4 plywood to have one solid piece for the desk top. We stained it so it was not a two-toned, discolored mess. It was still two-toned but because we stained it a darker color the result actually turned out nice.

To complete the look we added a cork board behind the desk area, 
framed in extra armoire door molding.

So this is our first try at a built in. Nice, yea?

"You say Goodbye, and I say Hello"

Another year gone, and another year filled with projects, kids stuff, and the like.

Jacob's arrival definitly effected the year. People say the difference between one child and two children is "times 10." Oh if truer words were never spoken. When the shower is your new found "mommy" time, you know its a tough time. Jacob, however, is wonderful. Thank God for such a ridiculously easy baby. He sleeps when he is supposed to, eats when he is supposed to, smiles to make you happy and is mostly quiet. I say mostly, cause when he is hungry and you don't give him food in time, watch out!

The family was also super busy. Aiden had tons of activities with soccer, t-ball, golf, and school. I think this is the year we start wrestling, so we will see if he really takes after his dad! Jacob had his fair share of play as well. This child bearing time around we found our friends sharing in our parenthood bliss. It must have been the year of the baby cause we had several friends and co-workers with babies as well. Having friends to share and swap baby horror stories with (as well as the occasional happy hour) really helps.

We spent the holidays in Spokane this year with all of the Schlaich's. I am so sad that I didn't get a group photos this time around. Sadly, we forgot the camera and so are sorely lacking in Christmas photos.

New Years, however, saw lots of photos, per usual. Eng's annual New Years photo shoot was hosted at my sisters beautiful home. I'll spare you all most of the pictures. That is just too many. Here is the main one. 

We had a few new faces this year. Jacob was not the only new addition to the family. Cathy was born in Oct and Stecker, my nephew is staying and helping out with his grandfather my Uncle Tony. So for the first time in Eng history we had a 4th generation Eng photo. (Too bad none of them actually have the"Eng" last name, lol!)

Shout out to my sister's Christmas present, 4x4 wood panel wall decor, a Stephanie Schlaich original! Using extra plywood leftover from a previous project I sanded, stained and free-hand painted a tree of life relief. Definitely turned out good.

The house also saw some major renovations which we did already share, the Laundry Room, Backyard Landscaping, New Kitchen counters, backsplash, and sink, OH MY! We also finally finished shelves in the laundry and pantry closets. It has been two years in the making but I think I can finally say we are done with all the of the projects inside the house! Oh don't mistake, I am still debating on repainting the master bedroom and changing the upstairs bathroom, but that is all preference. All the necessity inside home improvement projects are done. We still have much of the outside to tackle but alas that will have to wait for warmer weather.

So 2013, seems to be starting out with less of a rush to get things done. We have Aiden's 6th birthday around the corner, followed closely but Jacob's 1st birthday. 1 years old! Man the year has flown. Greg and I usually have low expectations when making and keeping New Years resolutions. Per usual we always try to incorporate a more healthy diet. Keep in mind, the Seahawks are in the playoffs and it is hard not to eat your feelings.

Speaking of feelings, I also have a new resolution to try to sustain. For those who have known me a long while, know that I have struggled with anxiety and was prone to panic attacks in high school. I hadn't had an episode since senior year, but it seems the chemical hormones while pregnant with Jacob seemed to "stir the pot", shall we say. I had a few panic attacks during the pregnancy and since having Jacob have noticed an increase in anxiety and depression. Its been tough these last few months with the stresses of work and the holidays. It definitely took its toll. This year I mean to manage it a little bit better, and hopefully without the help of medications. Taking care of myself is key. Real vacations and "me" time are also a factor.

Ok, enough of the heavy. Christmas decorations are packed and put away (thanks Gregory!) and we are ready for the year ahead. So in the words of the new Seahawks new slogan, BIGGER. FASTER. STRONGER. LOUDER. GO SEAHAWKS!