Friday, January 13, 2012

Indulging in Vanity

Awhile back we bought a desk for $20 at a thrift store. We used it as an actual desk until we repurposed this little treasure:

 Mini Bar/Office

So what do you do with a spare desk? You make your pretty wife that dressing table she's always wanted of course!

  Step 1: Remove strange attached mail sorter
 Step 2: Sand, sand, & sand until shiny varnish is all gone.
 Step 3: Cut down to size, especially with a wife who is not quite 5 ft....

Step 4: Paint Black

Step 5: Polycrylic. This adds that nice shiny gloss and protect it from getting dull from dust and water spots. 

*Note, always use the stuff you apply with a brush. The spray stuff provides a quick finish but it comes out spotty and makes your surface all bumpy rather then smooth    

Now to accessorize. We got a brushed nickel mirror ($30) & red ottoman ($20) both at Ross and some cute dragonfly hooks from World Market ($4.99 each). 

And Done! Now I have a fancy place to put my tiara!


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