Baby Baptism: Aug 19th
We finally got around to baptizing our little one. Nice surprise the Archbishop was in town to pontify our little baby. Jacob, however, was unimpressed and decided to take a nap during most of the process.
He finally woke up when he was doused in water, but did our chill little boy cry...nope.
Just asked daddy what was going on and what he missed

Spring 2012: Jacob Rudy Schlaich and beyond...
So if you have been living under a rock for the past 9 months probably missed that I had another son. Little Jacob Rudy Schlaich! He is a very serious baby who has no time for funny business and scowls if he thinks your wasting his time.
However, when a smile comes, it's dazzling :)
Aiden, meanwhile, has started T-ball. He is not bad, we are still a little confused by whether he should bat left or right.
Also, the family has once again begun having Sunday night family dinners. My sister recently purchased a home so we are rotating locations and its working out rather nicely.
Happy Holidays!
Eng Family 2012 |
2011 Presents! Thank you all for our wonderful gifts this year. We are so blessed! |
Cute Aiden
and the soon to be Baby Jacob