Over the past year, Greg and I have been invited to our fair share of baby showers. Some have been for me, some I have thrown, and some just want my presence. Luckily, I love babies! Especially my own, but that is a given. I am currently planning a baby shower for a co-worker so I wanted to share with all of you my main center piece and instructions of how to make your own.
• diapers (depends on how big you make it). A box of near 100 is probably a safe bet. Any extra you can just give to the expectant mother (she’s going to need them)
• Ribbon. Your choice
• rubber bands
• One large baby bottle of baby lotion, baby shampoo, etc or a bottle of champagne
• One small baby bottle of any of the above
• A cardboard or plastic cake platter
• Cake decorations - for example, baby confetti, baby sock roses, artificial roses, etc.
• Baby items - Pacifiers, bottles, lotion, bibs, receiving blankets, miniature stuffed animals, baby towel, onesie, wash cloths, baby hygiene products, toys, etc.
Step 2: Let's build this cake one tier at a time.
For the first tier,
Take the cake platter and place the large bottle of baby lotion in the center. Then place about 4-5 diapers around the bottle and put a large rubber band around the entire ring of diapers.
Begin rolling diapers. Put two of the diapers together and roll them. Fasten shut with another rubber band.

Encircle the bottle with the rolled up diapers, fitting as many as possible into the ring. Repeat the process to form an outer ring. Pat it all into place so that the top is as even as possible
Now take a large, 1/2 to 1 inch wide ribbon and tie it around the entire tier to hold them all together in a circle shape.
Step 3. Repeat the process for the second.
The second tier, instead of 3 rings, will only have 2 rings of diapers. Part of the bottle will be sticking out of the 1st tier, so place 4-5 diapers around it to form the 1st ring of the 2nd tier and encircle with a rubber band. The 2nd, other ring will need the rolled up diapers. Hold them all together in a circle with the 1/2 to 1 inch wide ribbon, just like before.
Step 4: Third tier
Take the small baby product bottle and then take 2-3 diapers and roll them up like before and fasten with another band. And a 2nd ring much like the 2nd tier only with less rolled up diapers. Then place them around the 4 -oz baby bottle and tie your ribbon around it to hold it together tightly in it's shape. Take the top tier and place it on the top.
Step 5: The fun part:
Add little baby items like Pacifiers, bottles, lotion, bibs, receiving blankets, miniature stuffed animals, onesies, wash cloths, baby hygiene products, toys, etc. Place them between the folds of the diaper, tuck the larger items into the outer layer of ribbon.
Add stickers and decorations to match the baby shower theme.
Place a stuffed animal, pair of baby shoes, or something else on top to match the baby shower theme. My co-worker loves butterflies so I added one to this cake.
Done! Cute right?
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